The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star is you

i can wait forever

its my birthday!
Saturday, October 17, 2009 @ 10:30 AM
haiz...I'm so exhausted as if I've been pulling a truck load of gigantic rocks!
whew...but above all, this day really rocks!

after i woke up early in the morning...
i see my self standing in front of the mirror...
a glimpse of sudden guesses and conclusions bothered my head...
"ano kea mangyayari ngayon?,sana maging masaya!"-->voice speaking inside my head...
i took a look at my CP!and damn! can you believe it!
so many unread messages from different pipol having the same msgs.
"HBD kyle" i was shocked and flattered!

haiz...what made my day the greatest is the practice of my band!
it was so hilarious and awsome!
after we rock out and scream our lungs out from the practice...
we went to SM!and ate at McDonald's! as usual,its the birthday boy's treat.
we were so full and enjoyed. we went for a stroll after-wards and took pictures!
i even saw my childhood friend and jam with her!
i was so full of excitement that after so many months of silence...
we talked with each other and exchanged some laughs!...
waa....i was so inlove with the idea of her!whew!

and then!

we ended up getting home late!
damn!and now im here...typing and murmuring the words i wish to share!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 @ 12:19 AM

in TLE 4 we took up flowcharting and the program developement is kinda hard to understand it well but still i studied it.

About flow charting:

What is flowcharting?uhmm...flowcharting is a tool for analyzing is a type of chart that represents an algorithm or process.It uses different symbols for every entry showing the steps of the program.

its uses:

1. serves as an efficients means of communication

2. serves as an analytical tool

3. concise form of documentation

the program development cycle: of programming specifications.
a.input specs.
b.output specs.
c.file specs.
d.process specs.
2.program design.
3.program coding. the program.
b.entering the program.
c.saving the program.
d.executing program.
e.interpreting/compiling the program.
4.program testing.
a.desk checking.
c.generation of error list.
5.program documentation.
a.internal Documentation.
b.external Documentation.

what i want to learn:

i want to learn how to make a social community website.
where people may sign up and join the web community.
and meet each other.:)

hAiZz....start all over again...
Friday, June 26, 2009 @ 6:59 AM
haiz....what a very busy and depressing week...

my week:(jUnE)

day 20-is like a knife that tries to stab me yet i kept on missing.(killing me)

day 21-is like a rose but the thorns are easy to handle.(wonderful though with problems)

day 22-is like eating ice cream but it keeps on falling.(hard)

day 23-is like a song but not so pleasant.(annoying)

day 24-is like biking, keeps on falling yet i stand again.(every ending,try to start again.)

day 25-is like picking a beautiful flower with a "do not pick" sign.(try walking through boundaries)

day 26-is like a bee stung me and still felt wonderful because i got its honey.(after pain there is still someone/something to look up to.)


now i know that in every fall, i could still stand up and start all over again.
Mistakes are made so that we could learn to do what is right.


[kyle] is [inspired again]
Jam Legend rocks...haha
Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 6:01 AM
today is a holiday! its the charter anniversary of our city and all of the school in our city has no classes. Because of that, I'm stuck all day playing and surfing the net. while i was surfing the internet and visiting other sites, i remembered one site that my friend has told me. he said that he plays the game in that site and it is like guitar-hero. so i tried it!. i typed on , it was awesome! I've become addicted to it...waah...its my first time to get addicted to a certain felt like its taking over my life bit by bit. i love some songs there,some are familiar...but I'm still a beginner so, im not that quite hood YET.hahaha.... the game is so cool so try it also...:)
